This kit represents the true state of the art and exactly reproduces the real plane. The yoke is actuated by the servos and controls the wing warping and the elevator. The pedal controls the rudder. This is not just for the scale fidelity, but also for enhanced functionality. This way, the loads from the surfaces are transmitted to the joystick and foot pedals, without burdening directly on the servos.
Super Scale Kit
Fokker E.I
All materials reproduce the original: only metal and wood, no fiberglass, no balsa, and of course no foam.

The airfoil and wing incidence are true to the original 1914 Fokker section, giving a flight extremely faithful to that of the real Fokker E.I and wonderful emotions and feelings to the lucky pilot.
Paolos Fokker E.I is build after a later production E.I, featuring the longer wing of 10.05 m, early Fokker E.I had shorter wings of 8.95 m span.
- Stainless steel sandblasted fuselage
- Stainless steel sandblasted all-moving tailplanes
- Elevator and rudder easily removable for transport
- Aluminium cowl and pre-shaped side fairings
- CNC cut Aluminium sheeting
- Laser cut stainless steel fittings, pre-bent and ready for installation
- Functional scale undercarriage with rubber shock absorbers
- Spoked wheels with covers
- Scale wing warping mechanism
- Functional scale stick and rudder pedals
- CNC cut plywood wing ribs
- Scale spindled Cedar spars
- Stainless steel cables, turnbuckles and specially made stainless steel fork heads
- All nuts and bolts and further accessories
- Rolled full-scale colour plans
- Photo Building Manual
Required for completion: covering material, glue, radio equipment and engine.
As if it was the "Extra" of Max Immelmann
Using the original wing section of 1914, six degrees wing incidence, tiny, scale size tail surfaces, but never the less – or just because of that – the Fokker E.I of Paolo Severin is flying “neutral” like a modern mid wing aerobatic plane. It flies inverted with minimal down elevator, does negative loops and torque rolls like a full-size Extra. It takes off with only a small fraction of the available power of the Valach VM 120B2-4T. In slow flight, and I mean really slow, the Fokker still feels safe and does not show the unduly high fuselage incidence that can be seen on so many “modified and adapted for model size” copies of the Fokker Eindecker.

Fokker E.I
Airplane Specifications
Scale: 1:2.5 (40%)
Wingspan: 4.04 m (159 in)
Length: 2.75 m (108.3 in)
Wing area: 3.00 m² (4650 sq inches)
Weight: approx. 19 kg (42 lb)
Scale: 1:2.5 (40%)
Wingspan: 4.04 m (159 in)
Length: 2.75 m (108.3 in)
Wing area: 3.00 m² (4650 sq inches)
Weight: approx. 19 kg (42 lb)
Fokker E.I 40% super scale kit Order No. #8880 5.390,00€
Detailed Oberursel 7 cyl. Rotary Dummy Engine #8887 440,00€
Stainless steel muffler for Valach VM 120 #8882 149,00€
Short kit Fokker Pilot, without clothing #8884 139,00€
Fokker E.I
More Informations

Just like on the full-size “Eindecker”, the control stick is directly connected to the wing warping mechanism and to the elevator. The all-moving fin is connected to the rudder pedals. The steel tube fuselage is stiffened by scale wire bracing and is covered with aluminium sheets and fabric.

Projected July 2013, detail design August 2013, the prototype was built August to November 2013 by Paolo Severin. Maiden flight November 16th 2013.

Pilot Helmut S. waiting for his first official mission at the ProWing in May.

Since the first flights with the “borrowed” Aeronca C3 exhaust, Paolo made some changes under the Fokker cowl. The beautiful 80 hp Oberursel dummy engine is now hiding the Valach VM 120B2-4T and the special muffler made for the Fokker.

Recommended engine: Valach VM 120B2-4T
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In our webshop you will find all of our airplane kits, engines, accessories and more. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!